refund policy.

Refund policy

We want you to be happy with your purchase from Huey Life. If you're not satisfied, you have 30 days from the delivery date to return the item.

You have 30 days to request a refund or exchange. After this period, we cannot offer a refund.

If the product is defective, damaged, or not what you ordered, we'll cover the return shipping cost. If it's a change of mind, you'll be responsible for the return shipping.

If you receive a faulty item, contact us within 30 days. We'll guide you on how to return it. After checking the issue, we'll either refund your money or send a replacement.

If you're not happy with your purchase, let us know within 30 days. To get a refund, return the item in its original condition, unused, with all tags and packaging. These Items are subject to a 15% restocking fee of the original purchase price.

To start a return, email us at with your order details and the reason for the return. Our team will help you with the process.

After we receive the returned item, we'll inspect it and process your refund within a 7 business days. The refund will go back to the original payment method.

Some personalized or custom-made items may not be eligible for return unless there's a manufacturing defect.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Return and Refund Policy, contact our customer support team at

Last updated: 7/19/2024